This morning Jim Barfield was on the “Hebrew Nation Morning Show” again for another radio interview. This is what the “Hebrew Nation Online” website says about it:

“Our next guests were Jim Barfield of The Copper Scroll Project and Steve Moutria of 119 Ministries.  These gentlemen kept us on the edge of our seats while they talked about what YHVH is revealing to them both in scriptures and occurring events!


There is no denying that a sense of anticipation is building.  Not only are more natural acts such as earth quakes, volcano eruptions, massive storms and even rare events, notably the latest blood moons coming to pass, but they are happening with greater frequency.  Like labor pains, they are beginning to increase in speed and intensity.


Steve read to us Psalms 85:1 and wondered if we might have a soon to occur prophecy related to Jim Barfield’s findings in Qumran!  We could feel the excitement related to Jim’s more recent discoveries and his upcoming trip to Israel which promises to yield yet more!”


Listen to the full interview below!



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