By Jim Barfield
“Honestly, this gentleman thinks he has found information about The Copper Scroll Project in this Bible Code thing?” That was my thought as a fellow from Arkansas handed me a single sheet of information generated by his Home Version of the Bible Code.  I very much appreciated his effort but there was no time to discuss his work.  Now…I would love to reconnect with the gentleman and do some deeper evaluations of the code and see what else may be embedded in the Torah (the first five books of the Bible).

A large crowd waited for me to begin my presentation so I thanked him and handed the document to my wife, who folded it and put it in the back of her Bible.  That is the last we saw of it for about four years.

The next time it came to light, my wife was cleaning out her Bible when it fell to the floor.  She immediately recognized it, stopped and brought it downstairs for me to see.   I was busy at that moment but took the time to look it over, it was time well spent.  That single page of information was more than interesting.

At that time, the Bible Code was one of those subjects that I felt was possible but… unlikely.  Hebrew could be easily misused and manipulated for ‘modern non-Hebrew” words since there are no vowels in the Torah.  For example, the Hebrew letters for H and T with no context could spell, hat, hot, hate and so on.  Actual Hebrew words, however, would be another matter, especially ancient words.  None-the-less, I was skeptical.

All of the Bible Code examples that had been presented to me had a half page of Hebrew letters with one to ten words crisscrossing the page at random distances and angles.  This one was different, very different!  There were thirty-three terms on a matrix thirty-four rows deep and forty-three columns wide spanning from Exodus 10:4 to 10:27, a mere twenty-three verses.  That small section began with Exodus 10:4 and Moses saying ” …let my people go, that they may serve me.” and ending with the Exodus 10:27 phrase, “…and he would not let them go.”










My mild interest in the Bible Code skyrocketed.  The identified terms on the sheet were “all” related to the Tabernacle of Moses and “The Copper Scroll Project”.  In fact, seven were directly related to the project and the rest to the Tabernacle, and again, all within twenty-three verses in Exodus.  What were the odds?

Bible-Code-Organized 134,745,905,812,565 to 1, it was plastered on the bottom of the page.  We have a better chance of winning the Power Ball Lottery than for all of those terms to be found in that tiny section of the Torah.   Then consider what the odds would be that the Bible Code would give…the word FIND, the date I made the discovery 1 TEVET, the Jewish year of the first excavation (5)769 (2009), the name of the Copper Scroll Project Civil Administration archaeologist Yuval PELEG, the words COPPER,  SCROLL and the word NAZIRITE, the vow I had taken.

Far more interesting than that is the remaining twenty-six terms were all related to the Tabernacle of Moses and packed together in that same tiny little matrix from the book of “Exodus.”  Furthermore, that section of Exodus described the difficulties the Israelites endured at the hands of Egypt’s Pharaoh.

Much more will be in a book being written by the Vice President of the Jerusalem Connection Magazine, Shelley Neese.

The PDF above is a copy of the printout given to me the day of the presentation in Arkansas but reorganized with the help of a photo-editing program for clarity.  As one can see, the text and print was of poor quality.  The first seven words are the ones that directly pertain to the Copper Scroll Project.  Should you want to check the accuracy, the start and end verses and letter count are to the far right and labeled at the top.  Everyone that I have checked has been perfectly accurate.  My faith in the Bible Code, at least for this one, has greatly increased.